Pack 591 Committee Meeting Thur. Jan. 12
start time: 7:15 pm
end time:  8:30 pm
All Present:
Jim T.
Paul S.
Paul R.
Sherrie R.
Old Business:
Will be held Monday January 23, 2012:
Beads, Belt loops, and/or pins to be presented. 
Tigers - ?
Wolf – Joel to receive 3 beads. Need arrow count
Bears – Joey & Evan to receive 3 beads.
Popcorn awards to be presented
We will have once a month awards for beads & pins. Need to talk to Rick about Max (Weblo) for more work.
Blue & Gold Dinner:
Mon. February 27, 6:00 pm – Gymnasium at BJP – Lakeview Rd. Lakeview
Please invite family members – all welcome!
Carlin to coordinate food – bring a dish to pass
Yvette will be heading up 2-3 skits for all scouts to participate in. Rich Rasmus to bring a spotlight.
Paul R. will be doing invitations.
We will be doing a 50/50 this year – Paul R. to bring the tickets
Place mats need to be done – Paul S. had the idea of "cow chips". Need to finish projects/decorations. Wild wild west theme
Rank awards to be presented – compass, fishing & bowling badges.
Summer Camp:
Balance of money due by April 2, 2012 – amount of $290.00  If you wish to pay a certain amount on a weekly or monthly basis please see Jim T. or Yvette.
We will be sharing a site with Pack 598 – Yvette to call HQ to get further information.
Those attending:
Rob, Kristin, Preston, Carlin, Yvette, Sherrie (& child) – Tracy to advise
Forest Lawn:
June 10 – Flag retirement, please mark your calenders
New Business:
Committee meetings will be held the first Thursday of every month. 7:00 pm – BJP, Lakeview Rd. Lakeview. All adults attend.
Jim J. has created a web-site for better communication, thank you Jim! www.cspack591.blogspot.com Check it out!
Henry will be taking Noah to several activities at Tift Farms, all welcome. Please see Henry for further information if interested.
Preston has inquired about a tour of the radio studio at ECC South Campus, possible March Trip – further information to follow.
Yvette has information on University Scouting Lecture (adults) on March 3, please see her if you'd like to attend – a small fee is required.
Sherrie has had correspondence regarding trail clean-up, activities at Beaver Meadows Java, NY. A lot of great programs available for day or over-night. Further discuss to follow as to which activity and day or over-night preferred. Looking at April, possible spring break week April 9 – April 13 week due to easier availability.
Looking for Social Club ideas – see Yvette or Jim T.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sherrie Rasmus
Secretary - Pack 591