To Spite Covid Challenges, another successful year in the books

 The 2020 / 2021 Scouting year for us was full of challenges and new frontiers. Who would return? How would we deliver the program to our scouts? Would our chartered organization allow us to continue? Would council? What would it look like? Can we do a pinewood over zoom? Way too many questions to list here.

Some things we've learned we'll most likely carry through to the future while some things we'll keep in our toolbox just in case something like this ever happens again. The most important thing that we learned this year was by following the scout law, doing our best, and being prepared we were able to deliver a great program to our scouts and had a blast doing it. We crossed three wonderful scouts over to our affiliated boy scout troop last weekend and they will be an asset to their new troop. We have great families who constantly get involved and we truly appreciate it. To spite what some might say, scouting is very much alive. We have a couple of events planned for the summer but for the most part we will see everybody in the fall. Everyone did a great job this year, congratulations!

Mr. Jim