Family Scouting: New and Exciting Times for Pack 591

In collaboration with our chartered organization we are pleased to announce that as of August 2018 Pack 591 will be implementing full family scouting.

We will be welcoming kindergarten aged children into our Lion Program and well as female cub scouts into all ranks.

Our implementation will be as follows:

While the entire PACK will considered co-ed, the individual DENS, which are comprised of up to 5-6 children of the same rank will remain either all boy or all girl.

Boy dens will continue to meet on Wednesday evenings while the girl dens will meet on Tuesday evenings.

The entire Pack will meet together as a group once a month on a Wednesday evening for group activities and advancement ceremonies. The entire pack will also meet together at various times of the year for activities such as the Pinewood Derby, Holiday Parties, Outings, etc...

We will require that ALL parents who are regularly present, registered or not take the NEW BSA Youth Protection Training. This can be done online or we will provide group trainings throughout the year.

In order for this to be a successful, positive experience for ALL of our scouts we will be needing YOU, potential adult leaders. We'll be looking for an assistant Cubmaster, new den leaders for our new dens and new committee members.

We are looking forward to a GREAT upcoming season and welcome your questions and concerns. Please feel free to email us at with any questions you may have. Please refer to this post often as we be using it as an FAQ.

Yours in Scouting,
James Jowsey / Cubmaster / Cub Scout Pack 591