A New Program Year!

Hey Scouts and Scouters:

Looking forward to another year of Scouting at Pack 591

FIRST MEETING: Our First meeting of the year is Wednesday, September 12th, 6:30pm in the basement of the little church. While new scouts are welcome at any meeting, this would be our Welcome Back Meeting and a great time to sign up new scouts, boy OR girl....

PROGRAM SCHEDULE: Always refer to the website at www.wnypack591.com for the most updated information, news and schedule.

ADULT LEADERS: With Norm's departure we are in need of a Bear Den Leader. If the adults want to get together and trade off dens that's fine but we are one short this year so far. Also keep in mind that if we get any NEW Lion Scouts (kindergarten) or girl cub scouts we will also need additional den leaders for those dens as well... (Den moms?) We are also in search of a DEN CHIEF, which is a boy scout assistant for the Arrow of Lights. I'd like to find a scout to meet with our arrows at least once a month to help them start to transition to becoming Boy Scouts (can we still use that term?)

NEW CLASS B ACTIVITY UNIFORMS: Those who went to Scouthaven received their black Class B shirts. Hope you still have them! Those who didn't will get them on the 12th. We're going to try something new this year. While our scouts are certainly welcome and encouraged to wear their dress uniform to every meeting they will only be required to wear their full dress uniforms at the FULL PACK MEETING at the end of each month as listed on the calendar and whenever told to. I really want to see everyone in AT LEAST the black activity uniform and rank neckerchief every time we get together.

Each scout will get one activity uniform shirt, addition shirts can be purchased for $6 each. We can also offer these shirts, black hoodies and black crew neck sweatshirts to all at the following prices...

T-Shirts: Youth and Adult Sizes $6 each ($2 more for XXL)
Hooded Sweatshirts: Youth $17 each, Adult $19 each ($2 more for XXL)
Crew Sweatshirts: Youth $12 each, Adult $14 each ($2 more for XXL)

The silkscreener requires at least 12 units per order so let's get an order going at the first or second meeting.

POPCORN: I also have popcorn order forms and I'm going to be pushing it hard this year. We receive generally 30% of popcorn money back for the Pack. This year 10% will go to general fund and the remaining 20% will be set aside for the cost to send the scout to Scouthaven next summer.

Generally speaking we're going to put an emphasis on fundraising and the boys earning their way this year. We want to be very active in the community this year and that takes some $ in the account... Plus we REALLY NEED a new Flag

OUTINGS AND FUND RAISING IDEAS: We love to tap the expertise and experience of our parents and parish partners to create not only new fund raising ideas but also ideas for new and exciting outings and presentations for the boys.... Please give us your ideas! Civics, Science, Outdoor Skills, Appropriate Community Service (5-10 yo's), sports, etc.... We're open to new ideas...

Looking forward to a great year, any questions or concerns don't hesitate to email me or text/call me at 392-5310...

Jim Jowsey
Cubmaster / Cub Scout Pack 591